Making grading more meaningful without a lot of extra work:
How to create grade summaries using Mail Merge

A grade summary, at the most basic level, lists a student's grades for individual assignments throughout the term (exams, papers, problem sets, etc.) in addition to the student's overall (final) grade in the course.  It is also a convenient way to distribute other information to students, such as how the grade was calculated, the answers to frequently-missed exam questions, and so on.

There are many benefits to both student and instructor for using grade summaries:

And occasionally:

Simplified hypothetical example of a grade summary

If you keep track of students' grades in a spreadsheet like Excel, it is possible to quickly, easily, and almost automatically create detailed summaries of each student's performance in a course. Follow one of the links below for a tutorial.

How to create grade summaries in Word 2000

How to create grade summaries in Word 2002

David Radwin